The lovely gentleman on the radio informed me this morning that this weekend’s weather will be scalding hot and suffocatingly humid. Thank you weatherman, I hadn’t noticed yet despite the fact my hair went from straight to a fro in the .5 seconds it took to open my front door and face the day.
Despite the oppressing weather all is not lost. It presents you with the opportunity to catch one of the most lighthearted comedies of the summer, Horrible Bosses.
Now while I do recommend using your Friday night to catch this film, I in no way advocate for you to emulate the bosses portrayed. It is a bad idea. You will not make friends. Hence the film. In the spirit of good bosses that do not have films made about plots to do away with them, here are some tips from John Baldoni of CBS on improving relationships with your staff.
- Be the first to speak: Remember where you came from. You weren't always the CEO, everyone starts somewhere so don't be unapproachable. Say hello to your cubicle bound employees while you walk the office. Start up a conversation in the lunch room. By being unapproachable and extremely distanced from your employees you send the message that they don't matter.
- Keep it light: Yes business is business, but everything isn't business. Nor is it all bad. Smile, talk about neutral topics like the weather or how they are. Once you're more familiar with an employee talk about common interests like sports, tv shows, etc. This will build self esteem and confidence in your employee. It will allow them to shine.
- Ask good questions: By asking good, relevant question and being receptive to whatever answers are thrown your way you encourage employees to speak up and could gain invaluable insight into various aspects of your organization.
- Listen more than you speak: Your responsibility is to start the conversation, once its underway, sit back and listen to whats being said. The danger is not in what you know its in what you don't.
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