Every morning you log on to your computer, grab your cup of coffee and proceed to go through your email. I bet it never occurred to you that those simple acts could say something about your age, gender, or even wine preference. According to a study done by Hunch.com that is.
What kind of computer do you use? Are you a mac geek or a traditionalist PC user? Do you even really know or care which you use? Apparently you should know and care since Hunch used 75 million answers to questions that it asked its 700,000 members to predict particular demographics, personality and other characteristics based on what type of computer they prefer and use.
This is what they found:
Mac users are typically self identified techys aged 18-34. They are more likely to be vegetarians than their PC using counterparts, enjoy indie movies, appreciate modern art, and prefer to always be perfectly fashion forward. Mac users prefer salty treats, red wine, and gimlet cocktails. They typically find it very important to be identified as unique and tend to watch TV networks such as Bravo, HBO and Showtime.
On the flip side PC users tend to be a bit more traditional, more team oriented and have stronger math skills. They are typically aged 35-49 and are conservative in their tastes regarding politics, art, and food. They prefer white wine over red and enjoy sweets. They are more often than not found in jeans and gravitate towards Hollywood movies and impressionist art.
Now what about your email? What does that have to do with anything? Well, according to Hunch that to says something about you.
Gmail users are more often than not tech savy,college educated, career minded men who own iPhones and are well traveled. Besides being well traveled these men tend to be young (18-34 years old), thin, live in cities, read blogs, have a laptop and listen to MP3s. If all that isn't enough they are also more politically liberal, single and childless.
If gmail is your source for unattached young men, than hotmail is its mate. Hotmail users a likely young single women of average build. They often live in the suburbs, sometimes still with their parents and are more introverted than gmail users. They enjoy reading contemporary fiction, indulging in sweets, and often see the glass half empty.
Yahoo users are apparently aged 18-49 and struggling with their weight. They usually have children and no more than a high school diploma. They often prefer pajamas to jeans and staying in as opposed to going out. They spend their time reading magazines, surfing the net, and listening to CDs. This group is very extroverted as well.
Last but not least are the AOL users. They in a lot of ways are similar to the Yahoo users with the exception that they are slightly older. They are typically 35-64 years old and have been in relationship for more than 10years. They have traveled, but never outside the country.
After reviewing all this information, I had one major question. What are guys over 34 using? Well Hunch.com wants to answer my question by making it clear this study does not represent every individual or any individual but just the popular demographic. I guess we can all breath a sigh of relief at that one. For me the study does at least beg the question what does our tech use say about us, if anything?